
(Photo by Kelly Mills Davis. The child pictured attends a school where approximately half of the students have been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. He’s been provided with a breakfast of a hard-boiled egg, bread, black beans, plantains, and an orange. His name is withheld for his own protection.)

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(Godspeed is a parting statement that expresses a wish for someone to have success or a prosperous journey. In this case, it is meant in a spiritual sense. )

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How Soon We Forget

I was sitting in a coffee shop in Litchfield, Minnesota, this summer with a dear pastor friend and a gentleman named Virgil, who works for Campus Crusade for Christ. We were chatting about various aspects of the Church and theology when Virgil said he had been having a conversation with a Rabbi who was talking about when Abraham led Isaac up the mountain to make holocaust of him.

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