There's a song playing on Christian radio stations across the nation called, "In the Room" by Matt Maher and Chris Brown.
I like the song a lot because the lyrics express a deep longing to be in the presence of Jesus when he moves in power.
I've been in the room when hearts have been changed, when faith breaks through and tears flow, when miracle healing takes place, and even when it seems the very doorposts and lintels in the throne room of heaven are shaking and the Holy Spirit is coming down in power.
In those moments, I've had just an inkling of how wide, how deep, how long, and how far the infinite love of God really is-- and it's impossible to experience that kind of power and ever be the same person again. The Apostle Paul comes right out and says it's impossible to fully understand the enormity of the love of Christ because it "surpasses knowledge." (See Ephesians 3:19)
So, when Maher and Brown sing:
"Tear off the roof, lower me down
Whatever it takes to get me to You,"
I'm thinking, "HALLELUJAH, AMEN!"
Other lines in the song talk about the blind receiving their sight, being baptized with fire, and pushing through the crowd to get to Jesus.
The power of the song is that all of us who believe in Jesus as Christ and LORD would love to have been in the room He did the miracles we've all been reading and hearing about since we were gluing macaroni and glitter to construction paper in Sunday School.
But here's the deal: The paralytic lowered through the roof, the blind man who received his sight, the lady who pushed through the crowd and was healed of her bleeding, and all the recipients of those miracles were "in the room" for one of those miracles.
But the best way to be in the room when Jesus miraculously moves in power is to be a disciple.
It was the people He called to walk with Him every day who were in the room for His miracles on a regular basis. It was a way of life for them. And yes, I'm the first one to admit that all four Gospels clearly chronicle that those disciples spent almost the entire time they followed Jesus not getting it.
But eventually, they did.
We're all like that. We're all much thicker and much slower than our God and King but He loves us so much that He invites each and every one of us to follow Him, to learn from Him, to let Him carry our burdens and teach us because He is humble and gentle of heart.
If you want to be in the room when Jesus moves, just be a disciple. Follow Him. Read your Bible. Pray without ceasing. Participate in the things your local church is doing. Sign up for mission trip.
Get involved with how Jesus is changing the world because He most certainly is not done yet and the amazing thing is, He wants you to be in the room with Him when He does these things!
"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. " (Ephesians 2:10 NLT)
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