As a Christian, I’ve used the word “redeemed” many, many times. I’ve sung and enjoyed the song with that title by Big Daddy Weave more than once as well. Christendom has used the word more or less synonymously with “saved” but the more I look into it, the more it’s clear that it doesn’t mean that at all.
The truth behind the word is bigger and more glorious and much deeper than that.
It starts with God giving Adam and Eve reign over all the earth in Genesis 1. He told them to be fruitful and multiply and to govern the earth.
When Satan lied and deceived them and they disobeyed, he stole that governance from them. They believed Satan instead of God and obeyed him instead of God. This was rebellion. It was treason against the King of kings and LORD of lords. Of course, Satan and a third of the angels had done the same and been kicked out of heaven. Adam and Eve were kicked out of paradise. God's design was upside down and backwards
Satan became the prince and ruler of the earth that God had intended to be ruled by humanity. That’s why we get this in Luke 4: “5The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. 6And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to.”
Of course, he was lying when he said it had been given to him because he stole it by deceit. He had wrested control of the earth from humanity illegitimately.
When we look at the concept of redemption in the Bible, it is primarily concerned with land. The Levitical Law was that no piece of land could be permanently sold. (See Leviticus 25) If an Israelite fell into poverty and had to sell the land, he had the right to buy it back. (To redeem it.) If he could not afford to do so, a close relative (A “redeemer.”) was supposed to do so. Even if that didn’t happen, the land was supposed to revert to the original owner in the Year of Jubilee, which occurred every 50 years.
What this meant was that the land of Israel would always and forever belong to the Israelites, but the Israelites never practiced the Year of Jubilee as God told them to.
When we say that Jesus redeemed us, it means He bought us and all the earth back from the devil. He redeemed it by paying for it with His own blood, even though it was stolen property gained by deception. Jesus paid the price with His own perfect life and restored us into the position God intended from the beginning. He restored all who believe in Him as the stewards of this world. Yes, the devil still rules over those who do not acknowledge Jesus as LORD and King– but once again it's only by deception. Human beings are not obligated to be subject to Satan unless they submit to the false king instead of the One True King!
This is why Jesus so often spoke of the Kingdom of God. Because a kingdom, by its very definition, has a king. And that king has the right to rule and reign and to assign power and authority to those whom He wishes. But, the glorious thing is that Jesus does not just grant His power and authority to us as His subjects as an earthly king can and does. No, we are adopted into the very family of God, which not only grants us a place in His kingdom, but makes us members of the royal family entitled as heirs to all that the kingdom comprises!
Satan continues to rule the secular world but only because people let him. All who are adopted into the Family of God are not ruled by him and are under no obligation to him in any way. In Matthew 28:18, just before Jesus left this earth, Jesus very clearly said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”
All authority and power both in heaven and earth now resides with the Name above all names! That leaves nothing for the devil unless we allow it. That’s why King Jesus could say, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” John 15:7.
The King has given us His power and authority! Let's live like that is who we are!
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