Welcome to All to His Glory!

 Jesus was given all authority and power in heaven and in earth and He sent His disciples out in that power and authority! When we go out as His disciples, we do it for His glory, under His power and authority. When we believe what Jesus said in the Bible and live it out in our daily lives -when we let Him be the LORD and King of our lives- a glorious, full, and abundant life awaits us! 

The Blogs

Over the course of a dozen years, I've written hundreds of blogs for a local Christian radio station, at no charge to them, and at great blessing to my soul. I'm editing those blogs and publishing  some of the best ones here.

As God has lead me into a deeper walk with Jesus, He has opened up a new door that's allowed me to become a full-time missionary with a ministry called GoServ Global! My experiences with GoServ have added another level of blogging which I can now share with you via this blogsite! 

And of course, every once in a while, the LORD puts something on my heart I just have to write about, but doesn't fit with either ministry. I can share that here, too! 

Who is this Dan Jones guy?

I am nothing more than a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. At its heart, what that means is I follow Jesus. Every day, I get to wake up and say, "Hey, Jesus, what are we doing today?" 

His response is always, "You'll see."

It's taken me years to figure out I'm a lot better at following Jesus than I am at trying to be the god of my own life. 

Since I've let Jesus lead, He's sent me to the Dominican Republic three times, Guatemala twice, once to the Amazon jungle in Peru, once to the African jungle in Liberia, numerous mission trips within the US, and three times to Israel.  (Who would have thought that some big, goofy guy in a plaid shirt who can't even roll his pants up properly would end up reading aloud from his $5 missionary Bible while standing in the Sea of Galilee?) God is truly amazing!